Theo's full TOF repair was October 8th; we are home and doing great. He should be released from the surgeon next week then we will have regular follow ups with the cardiologist.
The past seven months have been an emotional whirlwind. I have found strength and faith in myself I didn't know I had. At times Matt and I sat in the hospital room silent, but knowing what each were thinking. Worrying and praying for Theo's body to heal itself. We did find humor, one of the janitors told us she dropped her baby on his head a lot, but he had a "hard head". I wanted to ask how he is or what he's doing today. And there's the large lady at Vandy Cafe who had a beautiful weave with some pink streaks and lovely long matching fingernails, who was stocking the cooler. I guess it was hard work because she turned and sighed to me "OH, little baby Jesus whewwww!" All I could do was laugh.
Those mental breaks were much needed and it helped us realize that God was going to take care of Theo.
I wanted to share one of the verses that helped me stay at peace.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I put this on a black tee and used multi colored pink stones. I can also do these on tote bags or anything you like!
I'd love to hear what your favorite verse is or one that has helped you through a difficult time?
I want this on a tote bag for Girl Scouts! I love the pink!!
Tell me how much it will cost and I'll send you a check in advance!
By the way, have I told you today? I HEART THEO!!!!!!!
Hi Susan,
I just happened across your blog, and I have been reading about your baby Theo. I am so glad that things are well now and hope and pray they continue to do so.
Theo is doing great and was released from the surgeon yesterday. Thank you Haley & you have a beautiful family!
R, It's $18 and I'll send you an email! Theo loves you too!
Susan, Beautifully written. I am so THANKFUL God has answered so many prayers for your Theo. He is beautiful and well. We cannot ask for more than that. :) You know I have had my share of worry sadness, and fear- as we all experience. My favorite scripture has always been Romans 8:28. "All things work to the good for those who believe in the Lord and are called according to his purpose." This one always reassures me that God is in control. He knows what is best and in his time, in his plan, it will all be well.
Love you.
this melted my heart susan..jess
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