Mar 24, 2008

Easter Orders

Robin stumbled upon my blog and I am glad she did. She ordered a gown for her new sweet baby girl and tees for her other girls. She asked for pink on pink. I can't wait for a pic of all three of them together in their shirts! So sweet! Thanks Robin, it was nice to meet you!

Easter Orders

Ginger asked for a bunny and Addison on these too cute onesies. I made her bunny first then I fell in love with it and made one for myself! The Addison is a new font and I think it's real girlie!
Love them!

Baby gowns

Randi picked these up for some special baby girls in her life. Pink on pink and amethyst on white. Thanks!

Mar 22, 2008

Easter Bunny

Happy Easter! Bwak Bwak!
That's what my mom would say on Easter mornings to wake me and my sister up. The older we got the more annoying it was. Have a good Easter!

Mar 18, 2008


I was happy to do these pieces for Anslee's Disney wardrobe.


Thursday I delivered 28 shirts to the PDA moms, grandmas, nanas, dancers, and sisters getting ready to go to the competition. This round we not only did moms, but we included everyone!

I was in such a hurry to get there on time I failed to take pics of all the shirts. (Matt called as I was packing the shirts and he was sick at work. With him working in a hospital they took him to the e.r.; needless to say it was not a fun night! But, he is better now.) So, if anyone has pics I would love to have them!


Mar 15, 2008

Birthday Order

Thanks Susan! I hope Joy likes it!

Mar 10, 2008

New Office

I just wanted to let you guys know that I made a job switch today... I now work at Campbell Realty. I was offered an opportunity with a larger company. So, I made a switch and feel great about having a new home! If you need to buy or sell a home call me at Campbell! :) 473-2224 or 273-4195

Mar 1, 2008


Anaston in citrine. This shirt already had the butterflies and a few crystal stones on it.
Thanks Aimee! I hope Anaston had a happy birthday!